One of my favorite learning moments occurs when something usually perceived as negative gets viewed as an opportunity. For example, in the book Future Tense: Why Anxiety Is Good for You (Even Though It Feels Bad), author Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, PhD, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Hunter College, argues that anxiety should not be avoided. Difficult emotions are waves that drive our lives, according to Dr. Dennis-Tiwary. “You can drown in a wave, but you can also ride it forward,” she said in a recent NPR interview (see ).
In this issue of Optometric Management, our contributors discuss top practice challenges, as expressed by OM readers in our annual survey (See “About This Mont’s OM,” p.3), and present solutions that can help turn the challenges into opportunities.
The key to flipping the switch from challenge to opportunity often lies with education, as demonstrated by virtually all the clinical articles in this issue. Here are a few of the many examples:
- Managing retinal diseases requires taking the lead in patient education. In “Educate Your Patients on Retinal Disease Efficiently," Dr. Sherrol A. Reynolds offers steps to deliver education, recognizing that time in practice is at a premium.
- In “Create Appointment Compliance,” Dr. Austin Lifferth lists barriers to glaucoma patients’ adherence to appointments, along with the education needed to overcome the barriers. A key takeaway: A combination of education, transportation services, and clinic efficiency may increase adherence to recommended appointment schedules.
- In getting patient buy-in to premium spectacle lenses, Dr. Jessilin Quint advises getting an education by trying on each premium lens in your practice (see “Get Patient Buy-In to Premium Lenses.") Then, you will be in a position to share personal experiences with patients.
It seems hard to believe that this is the last issue of OM in 2022. As we approach the holiday season, on behalf of the entire OM team, we wish you health, happiness, and success, and we thank you for your continued support. OM