Selecting one particular progressive lens as your "lens of choice" makes sense, both because it�s more efficient for your practice and because it�s easier for you to market. When deciding which progressive lens should be your "lens of choice," consider the following factors:
� What features and options does the brand offer? Will these lenses serve the majority of your patients� needs?
� What success rate does this lens have? Is it well-designed and easy to fit?
� Does the lens hold a good position in the marketplace?
� Does the manufacturer offer co-op marketing dollars?
� Does the company provide your staff with training and offer educational materials for your patients?
� Can you get lab support from your local wholesaler?
� When it comes to price, this is the most important question: Will this lens provide your patients with the level of visual comfort they�re expecting? If so, a premium price for this lens is acceptable. And remember � your loyalty to a specific brand will assure you the best available price.
Of course, serving your patients� needs should be your primary consideration.