Owning a successful practice often requires skills that aren't taught, but are learned through experience.
CONTACT LENS MANAGEMENT: Positioning Special Effect Lenses
Tips to help you introduce these revenue-builders at Halloween.
FIX THIS PRACTICE: Attracting More Private-Pay Patients
Marketing techniques that corporate optometry uses can help you, too.
Getting Noticed on the Web
A guide to online resources to make your practice Web site more attractive to visitors.
Glaucoma Update, Part II
More insights into this challenging disease.
How to Motivate Your Associate to Think Like an Owner
Developing the right compensation plan is vital.
The features on this retinal thickness analyzer will give you peace of mind.
LAW REVIEW: Don't Have that Day in Court
An eye-opener on medical malpractice.
LESSONS LEARNED: The Choral Director's Problem
Don't let an important part of your practice go by the wayside.
Managing Eye Pain
Learn the role of over-the-counter and prescription analgesics in treating patients with ocular pain.
Medicare 101
A refresher on Medicare policies and procedures.
O.D. to O.D.: Extended Wear Reborn
Preliminary approval of CIBA Vision's 30-day modality holds needed promise for us.
PRACTICE PULSE: Tips, Trends & News You Can Use
Extended wear approval, new bill for low vision coverage and more.
REFLECTIONS: Getting Back to Basics
A doctor's special talent made him the apple of these patients' eyes.
STREE SENSE: Value Investing Is Coming Back
Investors are now seeking companies whose true worth isn't recognized.
The Case that Shouldn't Have Happened
A late diagnosis of glaucoma.
The Office Without Exam Rooms
Explore an optometric office without individual exam rooms. Plus, tips on choosing a pleasing color palette for your office decor.
Unlocking The Secrets . . . exceptional patient satisfaction
VIEWPOINT: Pasta vs. Contacts
They actually have something in common, according to this marketing expert.