For Your Patients and
Low Vision Seminar
Eschenbach is hosting a new seminar, "Low Vision Care . . . What's It All About?"
This seminar is an introductory, hands-on workshop and lecture. Topics include:
- causes of low vision
- the "seven steps to dispensing low vision aids"
- reimbursement and marketing your low vision practice.
The American Board of Opticianry (ABO) and the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO) approve the seminar for three continuing education credits.
Upcoming dates and locations include:
July 24, Milwaukee; July 26, Eau Claire, Wis.; July 31, Holtsville, N.Y.; Aug. 1, Indianapolis; Aug. 7, Walnut Creek, Calif.; Aug. 8, Sacramento, Calif., and Knoxville, Tenn.; Aug. 9, Nashville, Tenn.; Aug. 15, Wichita, Kan.; Aug. 22, Little Rock, Ark.; Aug. 23, Fayetteville, Ark.; Aug. 29, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Aug. 29, Rochester, N.Y.; and Aug. 30, Mishawaka, Ind.
Phone: (877) 422-7300
E-mail: info@eschenbach.com
Web: www.eschenbach.com
CVS Solution
These displays from Prio offer "one-stop shopping" for your patients who have CVS |
To help the increasing number of people affected by computer vision syndrome (CVS), the Prio Corporation is offering the Complete Computer Vision Solution.
The Complete Computer Vision Solution consists of three different in-office displays:
- floor
- counter
- wall-mounted.
The displays feature the Prio Computer Lens and Prio Eyewear Collection, along with consumer lens and testing information. The displays also feature a dozen high fashion Prio designer frames, which come in a range of colors, including red, blue, black, purple and lime green.
Phone: (800) 621-1098
Web: www.prio.com
Expanding Parameters
Biocompatibles Eyecare has enhanced its Proclear Compatibles line to include high plus powers in the 8.6 base curve.
Proclear Compatibles, a soft contact lens, is now available in sphere powers from +0.50D to +6.00D in 0.25D steps, and +6.00D to +10.00D in 0.50D steps. Previously, Biocompatibles only offered the 8.6 base curve through the sphere power of +6.00D.
Phone: (800) 511-6747
Web: www.proclear.com
Three for Three
New products from Haag-Streit include the Octopus 300 perimeter and the Stimuli. |
Haag-Streit is introducing three products:
- The Eyecap is a digital imaging system. You access this software on your practice's computer by clicking the Eyecap icon that appears on the desktop.
The Eyecap can store up to 350,000 images, as long as your computer has 20 gigabytes of free space on the hard drive. The software can also assess images and produce customized reports. - The Octopus 300 perimeter provides 100% eye fixation
control. The Octopus 300 features headrest sensors to assure that the patient is in the correct position. A rotatable optics system allows operation from any side, and makes it possible for you to fit the Octopus 300 into tight office spaces.
With the Tendency Oriented Perimetry (TOP), you can perform a full threshold exam in a little more than 2 minutes. And the Octopus Seven-in-One report gives all the information you need for assessment of the visual field. - The Stimuli replaces the old-fashioned automated
projector, according to Haag-Streit. The Stimuli system includes a hand controller and an Apple iMac with a built-in monitor. You can program the Stimuli to automatically start up and shut down.
The Stimuli can handle numerous types of acuity charts, optotypes, associated vision tests and fixation devices. The Stimuli features more than 16 major selectable features, including LogMar, Snellen or decimal units. An internal CD player may be used for background music.
Phone: (800) 787-5426
F: (513) 336-7260
E-mail: hssales@haag-streit-usa.com
Web: www.haag-streit.com
Aspheric Lens
CooperVision now offers Ascend, a replacement aspheric lens for spherical lens wearers and those with low amounts of astigmatism.
Ascend features CooperVision's TotalVu Technology, which improves contrast sensitivity and depth perception, even in low-light conditions.
A CooperVision spokesperson says, "Ascend's unique front surface aspheric design produces exceptional visual acuity." The lens is made of methafilcon A, which is 55% water and has a monthly replacement schedule.
Ascend is available only to practitioners, for direct delivery to patients. This restriction is to prevent distribution of the lenses through gray-market channels, such as mail-order companies.
Phone: (800) 341-2020
Web: www.coopervision.com
High Oxygen Permeability
The Paragon Hyperpurification Delivery System (HDS) 100 is the latest contact lens to be added to Paragon Vision Sciences' HDS product line.
According to Paragon, the HDS 100 contains the most oxygen-efficient polymer on the market today with its Dk level of 100 (ISO/ANSI). Also, the HDS 100 contains the highest percentage of methylmetha-crylate within its Dk level; the HDS 100 has a refractive index of 1.442.
The Food and Drug Administration cleared the HDS 100 for 7 days of continuous wear.
Paragon Vision Sciences
Phone: (800) 528-8279
Web: www.paragonvision.com
Fashionable Frames
The FC702 prescription frame from Titmus is for both men and women |
Titmus Optical has added two new prescription frames to its Fashiongarde Collection.
The first frame, the FC702, is oval-shaped and available in two colors -- gray and brown. The FC702 comes in three sizes: 48(20)-135, 50(20)-140 and 52(20)-145.
The second frame, the FC703, combines contemporary men's styling with a single bridge and a rectangular shape. The FC703 is available in two colors -- goldtone and gunmetal -- and in two sizes, 52(20)-140 and 54(20)-145.
Both frames meet the standards established by ANSI Z87.1-1989 (R-1998) for impact protection.
Phone: (800) 446-1802
Fax: (804) 862-3734
Web: www.titmus.com
Marchon Eyewear's 2001 Catalog features photos of more than 240 frame styles and their complete color ranges. |
Marchon Eyewear's 2001 Catalog is now available from your Marchon sales representative. The catalog features more than 1,000 photos.
In the back of the catalog, you'll find a merchandising section, which includes point-of-purchase materials for the Marchon and the Flexon collections. Also included are Marchon licenses, such as Calvin Klein, Disney, DKNY, Fendi, Nike, Nautica and Officemate.
For easy reference, a price list is tucked in the back cover pocket.
Phone: (800) 645-1300
Fax: (877) 275-0255
E-mail: cs@marchon.com
Web: www.marchon.com
Image Consultant
Image Consultant is new computer software from Gulden Ophthalmics. The software combines still images and video clips so you can photo-document conditions from a video or digital source, such as a slit lamp, a video binocular indirect, a fundus camera and an operating microscope.
Images are automatically stored for quick and easy retrieval. You or your staff can create printed or electronic reports, both of which can be sent to referring offices.
The minimum requirements of the Image Consultant are a Pentium 600 MHz, 128 megabytes (MB) of random-access memory (RAM) and 600 MB of disk space.
A spokesperson for Gulden Ophthalmics says that Image Consultant can benefit your practice by increasing patient compliance, expanding your referral base, enhancing co-management and better educating your patients.
Gulden Ophthalmics
Phone: (800) 659-2250
Fax: (215) 884-0418
E-mail: info@guldenindustries.com
Web: www.guldenindustries.com
Appointment Software
JulySoft has released Reminder-Pro. This software delivers appointment reminders and other important messages to your patients by telephone or e-mail.
ReminderPro includes a prerecorded library of names and voice prompts. The software can also pronounce patient names automatically through text-to-speech technology. JulySoft believes this saves you valuable staff time.
Phone: (800) 350-7693
Web: www.julysoft.com
Frames for Computer Users
CompuSpecs is offering their frames to select practices. The frames are designed to relieve symptoms of CVS.
CompuSpecs frames have moving nose pads and a pantoscopic tilt mechanism. The company says these features allow your patients to move the frames down for normal viewing and up computer viewing.
Contact CompuSpecs if you would like to examine these frames, either for personal or patient use. Afterward, you would evaluate the frames in written form.
Phone: (800) 368-9008
E-mail: CompuSpecsUSA@aol.com
Eyecare practitioners who wear contact lenses prefer ReNu MultiPlus, according to an independent survey. |
Survey Says
According to an independent national survey, not only is Bausch & Lomb's (B&L's) ReNu MultiPlus solution the number-one doctor-recommended lens care solution, but it's also preferred for personal use by eyecare practitioners who wear contact lenses.
A B&L spokesperson says, "We realize that a positive personal experience can influence product recommendations, and we're proud that practitioners feel confident enough in the performance of ReNu MultiPlus solution to choose it for their own use."
Bausch & Lomb
Phone: (800) 553-5340
Web: www.bausch.com
Invisible Edge Coating
Camouflage International has introduced their line of lens treatments, Camouflage.
Camouflage makes the edges of lenses, especially those with anti-reflective coatings, virtually disappear.
Camouflage starter kits are available in 10 basic colors, making it easy to match most frames. Each kit includes everything you need to know to coat 10 or 20 pair of lenses; 50 colors are available.
As an introductory offer, a sample frame with lenses comparing the Camouflage edge treatment to an untreated lens will be included with every initial order upon request. This sample demonstrates the advantage of this unique product to patients. Ten-color starter kits are priced at $99. Larger, 20-color kits are available for $199, all with free shipping and handling. Suggested retail is $35 per pair.
Phone: (212) 889-1584
Fax: (212) 889.5971
E-mail: camouflagelens@msn.com