How to comply with federal standards to protect your employees and patients.
Today's optometric practices are involved in medical care of ocular conditions. The diagnostic and treatment procedures have increased our own, our staffs' and our patients' risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens. But we can reduce these risks by following appropriate procedures. In fact, federal standards require that we make all workplaces safe from blood-borne contamination for our employees. What do these standards mean and how can you meet them? Here's how.
What you need to do
To safeguard your employees, you as an employer must:
Make sure that your employees "demonstrate proficiency" in standard microbio- logical practices before they can work at the facility.
Assure that they have prior experience in handling human pathogens or tissue cultures. An employee who has no occasion for exposure in his job description may be exempted.
Provide a training program for those with no prior experience handling these cultures.
You "shall establish a written Exposure Control Plan." This is critical. The government expects this plan to 1) provide employees with information about what to do and when to do it if exposure occurs, and 2) institute "Work Practice Controls" spelling out how to reduce their risk of exposure.
You also must provide a "biosafety manual. "It should include both the Exposure Control Plan and Work Practice Controls, and identify office areas at particular risk of biohazard. Review it at least once a year to ensure that it's up-to-date. It must advise employees of potential health hazards and include instructions on practices and procedures that they must follow.
How to do it
We've addressed these requirements by including the biosafety manual as a section of our office manual. It covers the possibility of exposure to blood-borne pathogens (Exposure Control Plan) and preventive steps to take (Work Practice Controls).
Whether as part of your office manual or a separate document, you must also include the following in the biosafety manual to comply with the standards.
an accessible copy of the standards. They're in the Federal Register under: Part II, Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR Part 1910.1030, Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens; Final Rule (
a general explanation of the epidemiology and symptoms of blood-borne diseases
an explanation of modes of transmission of such diseases
an explanation of your Exposure Control Plan -- a copy must be available if requested
an explanation of how to recognize tasks that may involve exposure to blood and other potentially infectious material
an explanation of the use and limitations of methods that prevent or reduce exposure, including decontamination and disposal of personal protective equipment
an explanation of how to select personal protective equipment (which must be on hand for staff members, free of charge)
information about the Hepatitis B vaccine and explanation that it will be offered for free
information about actions to take and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or potentially infectious materials
an explanation of the procedure to follow if the employee is exposed, including how to report the incident and what medical follow-up will be available
information about the post-exposure evaluation and follow-up. You must give the employee a physician evaluation as well as a copy of the physician's report and a plan of action or prognosis developed at the visit
an explanation of the signs, labels and/or color-coding required on biohazard areas and/or equipment (such as the red "sharps" containers and trash bags specific to biohazard materials disposal). See sidebar.
an opportunity for interactive questions and answers with the person conducting the training session. Provide this training in-office or through outside personnel in a "continuing education" environment.
Use these recommendations as the basis of your own training program to protect your staff and patients.
Dr. Ryan is vice-chair of the Washington State Board of Optometry and A.R.B.O. Judicial Committee.
What to Include in Your Exposure Control Plan and Work Practice Controls |
The following guidelines are based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Veteran's Administration and Federal Register recommendations and requirements. 1 Remove particulate matter from surfaces and instruments using one of these disinfecting agents. Don't get them in anyone's eye(s):
2 Wash your hands for at least 10 seconds with antibacterial soap before and after physical contact with a patient and after restroom use. 3 Never recap needles with two hands. Use the "scoop" method or a recapping device. 4 Contaminated non-disposable "sharps" (needles, etc.) and other instruments shall be disinfected with the autoclave. Place instruments waiting to be autoclaved in a shallow, well-marked container such as a stainless steel or plastic tray. Instruments should lie flat so no one risks a "stick" from a non-sterile instrument. 5 Contaminated disposable sharps shall be discarded in a labeled red sharps container. These containers should be non-crushable. No sharps shall be bent, recapped, or broken off. 6 Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm, or handling contact lenses are prohibited where there's a reasonable likelihood of occupational exposure (primarily in the exam rooms). Contact lens dispensing is not included and is necessary, but no person should dispense contact lenses if they have an open cut on their hands or fingers. Contact lenses should be dispensed only once they're disinfected. 7 Do not keep food or drinks where blood or potentially infectious materials are present. 8 All procedures involving blood or potentially infectious materials (including tears and saliva) shall be performed in a manner that minimizes splashing, spraying, splattering and generation of droplets. When it can be expected that such will occur, use protective gear (goggles, gloves, aprons or lab coats, resuscitation bags, pocket masks, other ventilation devices). 9 Place specimens of potentially infectious material (such as cultures) in a container that doesn't leak during collection, handling, processing, storage, transport or shipping. 10 Employees shall remove immediately, or as soon as feasible, any garments penetrated by blood or other potentially infectious materials --whether it's their own or a patient's. 11 Employees shall wear gloves when it can be anticipated that there may be hand contact with blood or other infectious materials. Gloves don't protect against puncture injuries; prolonged use may result in small holes. Manufacturers may supply defective gloves.Inspect them before use. Don't reuse or disinfect them. Maintain the work site in a clean and sanitary condition. 12 A written schedule may be used to specify which staff person has responsibility for a given office area. 13 All equipment plus environmental and working surfaces shall be cleaned and decontaminated using an approved germicidal agent. Certain instruments require special procedures -- see manufacturer's manual.
14 Remove protective coverings (plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or paper) used to cover equipment and environmental surfaces as soon as feasible when they become overtly contaminated. 15 All bins, pails, cans and similar receptacles intended for reuse that have a likelihood of contamination with blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be inspected and decontaminated on a regularly scheduled basis and immediately upon visible contamination. They should be a different color than regular (paper) waste containers. 16 Employees should obtain the following appropriate immunizations. An exception could be granted in the case of allergies or other known adverse reactions for which a person might be at risk.
17 Post-exposure procedures:
18 Definitions (Source is the Federal Register 29 CFR Part 1910.1030):