A Commitment
Fortunately, we're in this together.
It's a pleasure to introduce myself as the new executive editor of Optometric Management. Even though we probably haven't met, we do share a common starting point: My success depends on your success.
Staking a claim
Most business or healthcare editors don't make such claims. However, OM's mission is to produce editorial that provides news, analysis and solutions for better patient and practice management. Simply put, our livelihood depends on delivering information that inspires you to take action and get results.
For example, when Dr. Rex Ghormley writes about continuous wear contact lenses ("Is Your Practice Ready for Continuous Wear," page 76), he offers practical advice on staff education, patient selection, contact lens exams and follow-up care. He also offers a few business management tips for promoting continuous wear lenses.
You'll find the same "how-to" approach running though each of our articles. We shy away from the blue-sky issues in favor of presenting you with benchmarks and best practices.
The "A" team
Let me add that we can't produce the leading practice management monthly without dynamite people. The editorial staff listed in our masthead is one of the most experienced, hard-working and professional groups I've worked with in my 20-plus years of publishing. They know the profession. I don't know of any editor who wouldn't welcome joining such a team. But the staff really won me over with their attitude.
The "A" word
As a journalist, I've interviewed hundreds of leaders in the areas of business and government. Those who thrived, even through the difficult times, approached life with attitude, that winning combination of passion, dedication, optimism and humor.
I've seen the same characteristic in the optometrists I've interviewed. While a slew of issues challenge O.D.s -- lower vision plan reimbursements, greater competition from any number of sources, staffing, cost management, technology, marketing and continuing education -- some see threats and others find opportunities. Each month we dedicate ourselves to bringing you the opportunities.
Finally, I'd like to thank you for your continued support. Without your contributions, we wouldn't be here. Your input is vital to OM, so feel free to contact me at (215) 643-8141 or
Together we can accomplish great things.