New Heights
delivers new level of portability, accuracy.
Pachymeter technology has been relatively unchanged for the past 20 years; you touch the pachymeter probe to the cornea and get a number. The problem often is that the only information pachymeters provide is an inaccurate number estimating the corneal thickness (CT). Countless times I've tried to measure a patient's CT, only to find that my pachymeter gave me three or four different numbers in the span of ten minutes. I had no way of knowing which number was the correct one. Fortunately, technology has come a long way. I finally discovered a pachymeter that provides complete accuracy.
The PalmScan P2000 takes the guesswork
out of pachymetry.
Now featuring
Micro Medical Device's PalmScan P2000 is a portable, pocket-size, battery-operated pachymeter. It has a sampling speed of 264 MHz, enabling the device to construct precise and detailed corneal waveform. The waveform that PalmScan constructs is an ultrasonic A-Scan of corneal structures. Because PalmScan is capable of superimposing corneal waveforms, I can easily detect changes to a patient's cornea over time. PalmScan can average up to 512 scans per sample and map 17 distinct corneal locations. It also features configurable IOP adjustment, useful for glaucoma screenings.
Another useful feature of PalmScan is its electronic desktop medical record keeping. That allows you to manage patient's records via a wireless 802.11 network or USB port, which also includes wireless printing of patient scans and reports. Dual rechargeable batteries allows for more than 200 scans between each charging. And, PalmScan is the only pachy-meter that can be upgraded to an A-Scan, making this device more valuable and the only pocket-size device of its kind.
Could it be more convenient?
PalmScan has made it remarkably convenient for me to perform pachymetry for glaucoma screenings and A-Scan biometry. This pachymeter allows me the freedom to see patients in multiple settings (office, hospital, nursing home, etc.). I am also able to wirelessly print instant formatted reports of the scans I perform, directly to my office printer.
PalmScan has cut my costs by reducing the need to purchase additional units for my other offices, and my patients are extremely happy with the refractive result of their cataract surgery.
Good for LASIK patients too
The ability to record, save and superimpose structures within the ultrasonic corneal waveform allows me to exactly measure ablated corneal stroma, depth and dimension of corneal scars, epithelial in-growth, corneal flap thickness, endothelial thickness and many other functions.
In the case of a patient who had epithelial in-growth post-LASIK, PalmScan enabled me to measure the in-growth depth and thickness. I could monitor the healing process for the in-growth with PalmScan's Superimpose feature as well.
Raising the bar
PalmScan helps me to deliver the highest standard of care. Its portability, reliability, and accuracy are superior to other pachymeters I've used. I can care for numerous patients, often in various settings, on a single charged battery, as