Where Are the Residency Opportunities?
If you're thinking about applying for a postgraduate residency, a recent survey by the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) should be of interest.
In the 2003/2004 academic year, about 19% of optometry graduates filled 254 residency slots at various institutions. In addition to an average stipend of $26,039, residents received fringe and educational benefits ranging from health (94%) and malpractice/liability insurance (88%) to travel allowances (94%) and paid educational leave (6%). For more information, log on to www.opted.org/residencies.
Your Ticket To the AOA Meeting
Vistakon is offering optometry students the opportunity to share their vision for the future of the profession -- and a chance to attend the 2005 American Optometric Association
(AOA) Congress and the annual American Optometric Student Association (AOSA)
ence in Dallas, June 2226, 2005.
A faculty member from each school and college of optometry will select the two best essays on the topic, "Is it possible to improve the profession of optometry? If so, what changes would you make and why?"
Selected students will receive a $500 travel grant. The student who submits the best overall essay at the national level will receive an additional $1,000.
For applications and guidelines, see your school's AOSA trustee or contact Carol Freihaut, AOSA executive director, at (314) 991-4100, ext. 231, or at cmfrei@aol.com. All essays must be submitted to the faculty member listed on the form by April 1, 2005.
Ease Into Monovision
Most presbyopes would rather not wear reading glasses. However, many patients who try monovision with contact lenses have trouble adapting to this new way of seeing.
Most patients who abandon monovision usually try only one or two sets of lenses before giving up. I've found that patients are more likely to accept monovision if they start with low-add lenses and increase power over time.
On their first visit, I give patients two near contact lenses to take home -- one low-add and the other 0.25D stronger. I tell patients to wear the first contact lens until they're comfortable with their vision, and then try the second, stronger lens. Every week, I give patients two new near contact lenses -- each one .25D more powerful than the last -- and tell them to continue the process.
I've found most patients require relatively low-add correction to meet their daily near vision needs. Using individual comfort level as a cue to gradually increase near power allows patients to adapt to and benefit from monovision.
Peter G. Shaw-McMinn, O.D., Riverside, Calif.
For more great contact lens fitting tips, go to www.cltoday.com