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Not Your Parents Eye Chart
Advanced visual acuity system simplifies vision evaluations.
Time is at once the most valuable and most perishable of all our possessions, said John Randolf, a Virginia Congressman who served from 1799 to 1813. This is especially true at your practice.
So, when an ophthalmic device becomes available that will allow you to save time, you want to learn as much as possible about that product.
The Provideo Complete, the newest version of Innova Systems Provideo Visual Acuity System, is such a device. Although this instrument has more than 30 features, I will discuss only those with which I have the most clinical experience.
Remote control
The Provideo Completes remote control uses universal serial bus (USB) interface to provide reliable, touch-point operation. It enables me to save time because it precludes me from having to manually choose and set-up a specific test for the patient. With the remote control, I can simply push a button, and the test I want automatically appears on the screen.
This feature is beneficial for the patient in that if I cant get a good visual acuity reading using a specific test, I can immediately switch to a different test.
Finally, some of my young patients have problems maintaining attention during the visual acuity test. But, Ive been able to prevent this by handing them the remote control and telling them which button to push.
Randomized chart
The devices randomized chart feature saves time in that to change to a different line of letters or to a single letter presentation, Id have to reach over and turn the projector each time.
This feature also benefits the patient, eliminating the memorization typically associated with chart projection. For instance, Ive found that most of the 20/70 charts only display three to four letters. If I have an amblyopic patient who has a visual acuity of 20/70, I may need to re-measure his acuity and obviously, hell have memorized the chart by then.
Acuity measurements
With several variations of acuity measurements, crowding bars, stereo animation and fun fixation videos, the Provideo Complete facilitates my ability to evaluate amblyopia and strabismus, enabling me to eliminate the crowding phenomena, measure distance stereo function and determine levels of contract sensitivity accurately.
This feature is beneficial for the patient in that it ensures good attention and constant fixation.
The Provideo Complete has precise sizing and spacing at every calibration distance. Each vision test meets existing test standards. This is important, as the conformity to exact optotype sizing and spacing, line spacing, screen luminance and color temperature is critical for accurate, repeatable vision testing. Without this kind of precision, results are inconsistent from room to room The bottom line: The devices simplification of operation, optometric clinical interpretation and accuracy lets you use the most valuable and perishable of your possessions wisely.