What's New
Diagnostic system for corneal irregularities
The diagnostic system includes lens designs ranging in diameters from 8.4mm to 13.5mm and base curves from 39.00D to 68.00D (All these ranges include the AbbaKone, Comfort Zone and Semi-scleral lens designs). Also, both spherical and aspherical lens designs are available.
ABBA Optical
(800) 331-2015
Web: www.abbaoptical.com
Online health record/practice management system
EyeCodeRight v4.0, from EyeCodeRight, is a web-based application that enables you and your staff to access your practice management and electronic health record data without the need for a server.
The software application is a Rich Internet Application that employs Adobe Flex programming language. Also, the EyeCodeRight v4.0 accepts patient history input directly from the patient himself, through a secure, encrypted access portal, the com-pany says.
In addition, the software contains a coding and billing component and an inventory and order management system that features databases of current contact lenses and spectacle frames, among other functions. You can access the software on a PC or Mac via any standard web browser.
Phone: (877) 377-6906
Web: www.eyecoderight.com
Portable transpalpebral diaton tonometer
The instrument is ideal for mass screenings in nursing homes, among other uses, the company says.
Bicom Inc.
(877) 342-8667
Web: www.tonometerdiaton.com
Concentric bifocal gas permeable lens
In addition, the lens is made of a hyper-Dk Menicon Z material, enabling the patient to safely wear the lens daily, or continuously for up to 30 days, and it has a spherical base curve allowing you to correct small to moderate amounts of astigmatism without causing corneal molding, the company says.
You can obtain the Menifocal Z GP lens through Lens Dynamics Inc. or its U.S. distributors.
Menicon Co. Ltd.
Phone: (800) 228-2691
Web: www.menicon.com
Software designed in part by eyecare practitioners
Grow Care Management Solutions (CMS), from Clarkson Eye-care, is practice management soft- ware for both single- and multiple-office practices developed by the company's own software developers and eyecare professionals.
Grow CMS features flexible doctor
scheduling, call center capabilities, insurance filing and verification, among
other functions.
Clarkson Eyecare
Phone: (877) 500-4015
Web: www.growcms.com