Remarkable events in D.C.
✉ We read Dr. James Thimons' guest editorial “The Certification Debate Benefits Us All” (OM August 2009) with interest and more than a little surprise. While Dr. Thimons ironically refers to the meeting locale as “the symbol of democracy,” no iota of democracy was evident in the incredibly one-sided American Optometric Association (AOA) House of Delegates proceedings. Polls conducted nationally and at state and local society meetings repeatedly showed overwhelming rejection of the AOA Joint Board Certification Team construct for board certification, yet this professionally denigrating and divisive measure was still passed.
Dr. Thimons states, “what happened in Washington was nothing short of remarkable.” It is remarkable — if not incomprehensible — that an organization purportedly representing doctorial level professionals would enact policies with “national ramifications and career-long implications” against the will of its own membership. It is equally incomprehensible that delegates representing states where the membership was clearly against the measure ignored their members' will and voted for the proposal, in some cases imposing a block-voting mandate to prevent individual delegates from being able to vote against the proposal.
Fueled by the betrayal and outrage felt by many AOA members and non-member optometrists, the American Optometric Society (AOS) was formed to restore honest representation for our profession within the AOA and other professional organizations. Just weeks old, the AOS has already adopted a broad agenda crafted to advance our profession and counts more than 1,300 doctors as members. Addressing the issue of “board certification” is only a start.
We agree with Dr. Thimons' assertion that “what happened in Washington was an important awakening of our national consciousness at just the right time.” This travesty directly led to the creation of the AOS, an organization that will have substantial positive impact on our profession.
Larry Bickford, O.D.,
✉ It is only fair if every practicing optometrist is allowed to vote for or against board certification (“AOA Votes 'Yes' on Board Certification,” OM July 2009). Those who voted on board certification appear to be academics or officers in various associations. They make up approximately 6% of all optometrists, and they are not the typical practicing optometrist. Why should 6% decide what the other 94% are going to have to do? William Novack, O.D.
✉ I enjoyed reading the excellent and comprehensive article, “In Case of Litigation,” by Drs. Myers and Gurwood (OM August 2009). A friend of mine is a “personal injury” plaintiff attorney. He has discussed many of his cases with me, including some malpractice cases against ophthalmologists. You may find his perspectives, which follow, interesting. Mike Silverman, O.D.
The authors reply: While certainly a logical and expected perspective from their point of view, we find the plaintiff attorney's point of view flawed. Bad things do happen to good people and good doctors — despite their best efforts and intentions. In our case, the dollars signs clearly got in the way of the plaintiff attorney's good judgment and homework. You clearly get the point we made because you and your interviewee remake the point yourselves. In this case, a lawyer, saw an opportunity to make extensive money and probably figured the defense would settle rather than fight. At the behest of a patient who experienced a loss unrelated to anything that was done by good and ethical physicians, a law suit was proffered against the wrong people, based upon advice from an expert who stood to profit personally from the very proceedings for which he was making recommendations. Further, the expert had what was illuminated in court as questionable retinal qualifications and credentials. The collateral aggravation caused by law suits like this is offensive and should be actionable. We acknowledge that wrong is wrong — and even in the absence of malice or aggravated circumstance, individuals who have been wronged deserve the right to full compensation… to be “made whole.” However, procedures like this should not be without balances. To keep the playing field level, we suggest that injury attorneys and their clients incur significant risk as well. If they lose, let them pay restitution to the defense for the costs and the misery they induce. If this topic must be discussed as a function of dollars, why should the money highway only flow in one direction? After all, fair is fair. OM Marc D. Myers, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Let the majority vote
Malpractice attorneys
► Ocular siderosis. The patient retained metal fragments in the eye after a car accident. On four follow-up examinations by different ophthalmologists, each doctor noted, “retained metal foreign body” and drew a diagram showing where the fragments were lodged in the cornea. No one thought to remove these. The case did not turn out well for the defense.
► Blindness due to ischemic optic neuropathy from temporal arteritis. A patient saw an optometrist for a routine exam, which was unremarkable. Three weeks later, she developed ischemic optic neuropathy (ION) due to temporal arthritis. Subsequently, while under the care of an ophthalmologist, she went blind in both eyes. The patient didn't tell the optometrist that she was experiencing headaches, and the O.D. had not asked about headaches. The plaintiff's attorney sued the ophthalmologist — and also the optometrist for not asking whether the patient experienced headaches. The argument: Had the O.D. asked about headaches, a quicker diagnosis (and treatment) of the temporal arteritis would have prevented the ION. I don't know the outcome but, I've added a check box for “headaches” on my patient intake sheet.
Thanks again for the enlightening article. Keep up the great work.
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