What's Hidden In This Issue?
OM's editorial sleuths uncover valuable pearls for your practice.

Jim Thomas
Recently, I started driving with less of a lead foot. It's a sign I'm getting old, say friends. My wife thinks I'm setting an example for the kids. The kids think I'm being careful, as the car is somewhat new (and I'm getting old). My mother assumes that I need an updated eyewear prescription because, she tells me, her son is getting old.
To keep the peace, I smile and ask for a glass of prune juice. But the explanation for my driving is this: There's a gauge on the dashboard of the new car that displays my miles per gallon. It's like a game in which the object is to get the MPGs as high as possible. It replaces the old game, "Push the Speedometer," and it's far more rewarding. The gauge shows the savings that correspond to my easing up on the accelerator. These savings are no longer hidden.
Hidden treasure
That ability to find valuable tools and information that are often hidden is a recurring theme in this issue. For example:
► In our cover feature on comanaging
glaucoma, beginning on
features, author Charles Aldridge,
O.D., illustrates through case studies,
the need to look beyond a single set
of measurements or assumptions before
deciding whether to refer a patient
to a glaucoma specialist.
► Dry eye disease often confounds
clinicians, as patients may present
with this complaint, but show no
signs of the condition. A possible explanation
could be non-obvious
mebomian gland dysfuntion — that
is, MGD that exists in the absence of
infection and/or inflammation of the
lids or glands, as Drs. Caroline A.
Blackie and Donald R. Korb explain
in their article.
► Our feature on how to prevent
theft and embezzlement reveals
the reason why embezzlers are
successful: The devil (or thief) is in the
details, which are often hidden from
the practice owner.
► Often, uncovering information
requires a massive effort. For example,
to truly understand your practice's
costs per patient, it would
require you to follow staff and patients
with a stopwatch, and then perform
numerous calculations. And
while it may sound incredible, that's
exactly what Scot Morris, O.D., did
to create the foundation of his report,
"The Real Cost of Doing Business". His findings may surprise
even those who keep meticulous financial
Coming full circle, I invite you to share your comments with us (e-mail me at We rely on your input to continue uncovering hidden pearls that benefit all OM readers. OM