A Swell Remedy
These case studies illustrate how anti-inflammatory therapies are providing relief from severe dry eye
Contact Lens Management
Scleral fits simplified
Dry Eye
To read or not to read?
Fix this practice
Exit, and reap your golden ring
Get the Picture on Buying a Camera
Before buying a digital fundus camera, ask these questions, and see the answers that make the purchase a good idea
How EHR Can Impact Your Marketing Program
Use the information found in health records to offer an advanced level of service
Lessons Learned
Patients can be confusing
Make Your EHR Work for You
How? By customizing your electronic records program to fit the specific needs of your practice
Give back to the community
O.D. to O.D.
How to grow a practice when the economy is shrinking
By Walter D. West, O.D., F.A.A.O., Chief
Practice pulse
Optometry named as “Best Career,” President signs bill delaying Medicare payment cuts; ABO/NCLE investigation leads to new financial controls; Patients rate their top priorities; Eyecare companies agree on merger terms; FDA News; Eyesite; Presbyopia corre
News radio
Tech Time
Time for a study of procrastination?
The Challenges of EHR Implementation
To make your EHR system a success, avoid these stumbling stones that have befallen other practices
The State of Meaningful Use in Eye Care
Where will optometrists find the greatest challenges in reaching EHR’s meaningful use objectives?
View from the top
Plan to fail . . . in order to succeed
The glamor of being the boss
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For Your Patients and Practice