Objectives as Clear as 20/20 Vision
My objective is excellent vision. Fortunately, I know how to ask for it.

Jim Thomas
When I reached my mid-40s and my near vision started to fade along with my hairline, I sought solutions. My search was based on the following premise: I've enjoyed excellent vision my entire life, and I see no reason to give it up now that excellent vision requires vision correction.
As an editor, I would appreciate a pair of glasses that allows me to switch my focus from my notepad to the presenter during educational presentations.
That same type of correction might be my preferred choice for driving at night. It's nice to see signs and distant objects clearly, along with the occasional glance down to easily read the speedometer.
Also, I see no reason to compromise on my vision over a range of activities that may take place inside or in the bright sunlight.
One pair doesn't see all
Clearly, I'd like to see in movie theaters or at sporting events, where the action is in the distance. But I'm not interested in tilting my head downward to see the entire playing field. If avoiding this means purchasing another pair of glasses, so be it.
Some days, I'll read for hours. And while I may not always enjoy it, I spend a good deal of time working on close-up home repair projects that require me to identify small screws, washers, wire ends, etc. Again, I'd prefer my former level of visual acuity, even if it takes another pair of glasses. Also, I might consider a backup pair of glasses for when I travel.
Will I compromise on my quest for clear vision? Only if you, the optometrist, recommend that I should.
What would you tell me?
I'm sure you could easily recommend that I wear four or five different pairs of glasses to satisfy my visual objectives. But here's the problem: I only know to tell you of my visual needs because of my work at a publication such as OM. It's a safe bet that others walking into your office don't have that advantage.
And so, the challenge becomes: How will you profitably identify and satisfy the visual needs of patients who have diverse interests and occupations, yet share my desire for crystal clear vision?
To answer this question, we offer a variety of ideas in this month's feature section, which begins on Spectacles. Specifically, a panel of expert authors—Ms. Donna A. Suter, Dr. Richard Kattouf and Dr. John Scibal—all have written features that provide various methods to achieve a solid foundation for a high-performance optical. OM