A Tale of Two Practices
I left retail optometry to open two very different practices at the same time.
Another Side of Medical Care
At some point in time, most of us will provide some form of medical care.
Anterior or Posterior?
When signs and symptoms of blepharitis masquerade as other conditions, it’s critical to get your diagnosis right. Here’s how.
Be Spry With Dry Eye
The keys to providing ace dry eye disease care
Becoming Whole
A seven-year-old can understand that O.D.s provide medical care, so why is it such a struggle to get this message out?
Choosing a Lens Material
Learn the benefits of mid- and high-index materials.
Dry Eye Treatment Compliance
What to say to get these patients to adhere to your prescribed treatment(s)
Establish the Dry Eye Disease Visit
When you discover this, among other ocular conditions, during the comprehensive vision exam, it requires an exclusive visit.
Getting Out the Word on BSCLs
Patients won’t know you offer urgent medical eye care unless you tell them.
Going Out of Business?
Treat your practice like an acute illness instead of a chronic one.
How Much Are You Worth?
Calculate your net worth by following these steps.
How to Promote a “Medical” Practice
Consider these seven tips for educating patients on what you do in your clinic.
I Didn’t Say All Those Things
Never underestimate intelligence, especially in the presence of “turkles.”
Leading Off
Make the Right Sunwear Recommendations
Understand the benefits of tinted and polarized lenses to better educate patients and increase sales.
Managing Allergy in Your Practice
How to find and treat allergy to increase patient flow.
Managing Pediatric Conjunctivitis
Get more pediatric “pink eye” patients through your door with a boost to your marketing and educational efforts.
Medical Model Mistakes
How to avoid five common blunders when developing the medical model practice
Merchandising Red Eye?
Yes, you can. A well-prepared office won’t let this opportunity pass.
Profession PULSE
Reaching the Pediatric Patient
Meet children’s visioncare needs by making this underserved patient population a priority in your practice.
Upgrade Your Refraction
Analyzer provides extensive information to shorten exam times.
Using the 92 Codes
Understand the required components of the four codes.
Using Your Resources
Ease the process of hiring and training employees with these tools.
Utilizing Anterior Segment Diagnostic Equipment
Here’s what you need to know before investing in this technology.
Worth a Thousand Words
Understand the benefits of anterior segment photography.