o.d. to o.d.
Confessions of a Tech Geek
Deciding which technology to spend your hard-earned money can be tough. Good thing you have this month’s OM.

BY SCOT MORRIS, O.D., F.A.A.O. Chief Optometric Editor
OK, I am a tech geek. I can’t help myself. I like “toys.” In our profession, many new “toys” exist: diagnostic technology for the anterior and posterior segment, business intelligence software, patient communication software, video monitoring, electronic pay clocks, patient education and merchandising portals, VOIP fax and phone systems, cloud-based software, and let’s not forget all the cool smart phone apps available. I seriously don’t know how I would operate without all these “modern conveniences.” That said, as my partner often reminds me, all these “toys” aren’t free. So, how do we choose which technologies to buy?
This month OM hopes to answer this question, as well as give you helpful insights into what new diagnostic technologies are available.
Refraction in action
Let’s start with refraction. So many advances have been made in the last five years regarding these instruments, that many times it is hard to keep it all straight. Richard Edlow, O.D., discusses refractive technology in “The Thrill (of Refracting) is Back.”
And while I am on the subject, what actually comprises a prescription, and how do we give a “prescription,” and prevent it from walking away (in the hands of our “now” previous consumer)? This month’s “Scriptopedia” answers this question with patient scripts from some of our industry’s most successful doctors.
“Optical” columnist Dave Ziegler, O.D., furthers the discussion on retaining patient sales by explaining how to keep consumers from shopping online.
From the front to the back
Before reading OM’s 2013 Diagnostic Instrument Buying Guide (starting on page 57), be sure to check out Jim Owen, O.D.’s, anterior segment article, which includes the diagnostic and treatment protocols of the various front-of-the-eye conditions. And from there, feast your eyes on Jeff Gerson, O.D.’s, posterior segment technology piece.
Must-have technology
Craig Thomas, O.D., weighs in on the criteria that comprises worthwhile technology, so you don’t waste money on devices that won’t “work” in your practice, in “Measuring Technology Success in Your Practice.”
Contributing editor Erin Murphy solves the practice dilemma of consolidating the data from all devices in the aforementioned Guide. Specifically, she discusses the various image management technologies that allow the review of all our clinical images at once with our patients.
Also, the Guide includes an article by contributing editor Frank Celia about how OCT has transformed eye care.
Ever wonder how to market your practice technology to patients? “Marketing” columnist Leah Colby, O.D., provides tips.
Read on, and have fun looking at the new toys. OM