A Return to the Good Old Days?
I like nostalgia, especially when I can view it on the latest tablet computer.

In any discussion of the latest and greatest technology, including this issue’s theme of diagnostic equipment, we rarely avoid the dissenters. At the extreme end are those who want a return to the good old days — when we weren’t burdened by all this new-fangled (fill in the blank).
Sounds great… but when, exactly, were the good old days? The 80s? The 70s? The 60s? The 1600s? Could you live in a time without your smart phone interrupting you every nanosecond? Can you watch the latest Hollywood blockbuster on anything less than a wall-length flat screen TV? Could you survive those dark days before the Diaper Genie?
Ironically, if you grew up in the 1960s, you knew the best way to enjoy a “return to those thrilling days of yesteryear” (a.k.a. watch The Lone Ranger) was to watch it on the latest model television.
Searching for perfection
The next level of dissenters are those we typically hear from at OM — our critics who “would purchase” an advancement if only it were “a perfect fit” for their practice. If we had to depend on perfection, we would still be waiting for Microsoft Office 2004. With much of OM’s editorial production recently moved to the Cloud, I can safely say I still have not found a perfect business solution, but I have found invaluable tools that significantly improved the productivity and/or efficiencies of our operations.
An investigation into any new technology reveals minuses along with the pluses. From systems being “too pricey” to devices that don’t instantly “plug and play” with other office technologies, I’m sure you’ve heard them all. That said, is it wise to use any one minus as a reason to dismiss a product or system altogether? Or, is it better to consider all the variables, regardless of qualitative judgments and preconceived notions, and make an informed investment decision?
Finding a purpose
The purpose of our “Diagnostic Instrument” issue is to provide you with an introduction to the latest technology. Leading clinicians explain how to maximize your equipment investment. These authors offer advice on the features and applications that can impact your practice, in terms of both patient care and business. From there, we invite you to peruse our “Diagnostic Instrument Buying Guide,” which begins on page 57. It’s a step toward the future — what we’ll call the good new days. OM