What’s New
Ophthalmoscope application
■ The iExaminer, from Welch Allyn, aligns the optical access of the company’s PanOptic ophthalmoscope to the visual axis of the iPhone 4 or 4S camera to capture high-resolution (5/8 megapixel) pictures of the fundus and retinal nerve. The iExaminer application then enables storing of the pictures to e-mail, print or keep in a patient file. The PanOptic ophthalmoscope provides a view of the fundus that is five times larger than a standard Welch Allyn ophthalmoscope and 25° field-of-view without having to dilate the pupil, the company says.

The iExaminer uses the iPhone 4 or 4S camera to capture high-resolution pictures of the fundus and retinal nerve.
Welch Allyn
Phone: (800) 535-6663
Web: www.welchallyn.com
Scleral multifocal lens
■ AVT Scleral Multifocal, from Advanced Vision Technologies, features a back aspheric, distance center, Tangent Carrier design. The AVT Scleral utilizes adjustable tangent carrier angles to raise or lower the landing angle of the lens to aid the alignment fitting relationship on the sclera, the company says. Its 18 Lens Fitting System features a series of sagittal values using a combination of three central base curves, three tangent angle carriers and three diameters. Diameters of 16.1, 16.6 and 17.1 incorporate a large optic zone to improve limbal clearance, the company says, and custom diameters are available as well as powers from +1.00D to +3.00D.
Advanced Vision Technologies
Phone: (888) 393-5374
Web: www.avtlens.com
Preservative-free eye drops
■ Refresh Optive Advanced Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops, from Allergan, feature the same formula as Refresh Optive Advanced without the use of a preservative. They stabilize the lipid layer to help reduce tear evaporation, hydrate the aqueous layer and provide a lubricating and protective shield to the mucin layer, while protecting epithelial cells from hypertonic stress, the company says. Refresh Optive Advanced Preservative-Free are available in 30-count singleuse vials.

Refresh Optive Advanced Preservative-Free Lubricant Eye Drops are available in 30-count single-use vials.
Allergan, Inc.
Phone: (800) 433-8871
Web: www.refreshbrand.com
Sunwear display
■ Sol Sun Center, from Eye Designs, gives eyecare professionals a display specifically for sunwear. The unit includes adjustable shelving in a frosted finish for displaying sunwear, cases and point-of-purchase materials. The three columns of adjustable shelves plus the panel of wave frame holders displays a total of 92 frames. The Sol Sun Center also features backlit illumination with LED lighting. The display can be made to match any existing Eye Designs furniture collection, or it can be incorporated into any optical interior, the company says.

Sol Sun Center includes adjustable shelving for displaying sunwear, cases and point-of-purchase materials.
Eye Designs
Phone: (800) 346-8890
Web: www.eyedesigns.com
product notes |
• MacPractice Clipboard 4.2, from MacPractice, a practice management and clinical software developer, enables offices to use customized template forms. The MacPractice Clipboard 4.2 application pre-fills patients’ forms for verification and completion on the iPad or iPad mini. The application works with MacPractice MD, DDS, DC and 20/20 desktop practice management and clinical software. • NovaKone, an online training and certification process from Alden Optical, is the first in the company’s Alden On-Demand series (www.alden optical.com/novakone). In addition to allowing the streaming of NovaKone fitting training and online certification, the company continues to offer regularly scheduled live webinars as well as one-on-one training at the practitioner’s convenience. |