O.D. Notebook |
■ To promote Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness month (November), Prevent Blindness America (PBA) is conducting an online contest through Nov. 30 seeking eye-healthy recipes. Visit preventblindness.org/diabetes to enter the “Eat for Your Eyes” contest. In related news, PBA, in collaboration with groups such as the Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, has launched “Year of Children’s Vision” to provide educational presentations, topical resources and technical assistance opportunities to staff of early childhood programs to improve childhood eye care. Visit http://nationalcenter.preventblindness.org/year-childrens-vision. ■ Joe Santinelli, founder and chairman of Santinelli International, was recently inducted into the Optical Pioneer Hall of Fame by The Vision Council’s Optical Lab Division. The award is given to those who have “made significant long-lasting industry contributions.” ■ The Contact Lens Manufacturers Association bestowed the 2013 GPLI Practitioner of the Year Award to Michael A. Ward, MMSc, F.A.A.O., FCLSA, at its Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Savannah, Ga. ■ Optometry Cares — The AOA Foundation is encouraging third-year optometry students to apply for the Dr. Seymour Galina Grant and the InfantSee Scholarship Grant. The Galina Grant winner receives $2,500. The InFantSee Grant winners (first and second place) get $5,000 and $2,500 respectively. Visit www.aoafoundation.org. ■ Contact lens manufacturer Synergeyes has announced it will modernize and streamline its policies for ordering and returning lenses. For information on these “ECP-centric” policies, visit the company’s website at www.synergeyes.com. ■ PECAA has revamped its company website (www.pecaa.com) to include improved navigation and functionality, detailed services information and member programs, a company blog on independent eyecare professional trends and strategies and more. |