from the sponsor
What to Do After Graduating?
Dear Colleague,
While the process of completing your optometric education might seem daunting, many of your colleagues have found the process of deciding what to do after graduation even more so. It’s not that there aren’t enough choices. In fact, there are so many choices and opportunities that it’s common to feel ill prepared to make a decision, which often results in feeling overwhelmed.
You may feel overwhelmed because you perceive the “what to do after graduation” question as one giant decision. However, what you’ll do after graduation isn’t a single choice, but rather a process of making many choices. What are the questions you should be asking, how do you prioritize the decision-making process and who do you turn to for guidance?
The process of deciding what to do after graduation isn’t something that should begin after graduation. Start early by becoming active in the practice management organizations on campus or creating a smaller “preparing for practice” study group. Ideally, this type of study group should consist of anywhere from two to 10 colleagues, so it’s easier and more efficient to meet and share information. When students put their heads together, so to speak, topics or opportunities can be researched once and the information can be shared among the group. This way, many more opportunities can be considered and the discussion among the group members will lead to better decision-making for all.
Resources for practice information, practice opportunities, management training and expertise are available through optometric alliances, vendors and private consultants. The process of finding the best answer to the “what to do after graduation” question begins with asking the first question.
We hope this issue of New OD will provide you with some of the answers you’re seeking.
Tell us what you think.
All the best,
Howard and Walt

Howard B. Purcell, OD Senior Vice President, Customer Development Group, Essilor of America
Walter West, OD Vice President, Professional Development, VisionSource