Nutritional Supplementation
Your script should focus on reducing risk
To influence your patients to make wise decisions regarding their eye health, you must use a script to educate them on “why” and “how” your advice will reduce their risk of developing ocular and systemic conditions.
Here, I explain how staff can discuss with patients nutritional supplementation for the macula.
Staff script
“June, Dr. Eyewise wants us to do everything possible to improve your retinal eye health results before we see you in six months for a follow-up appointment. I know he explained that the leading cause of blindness in people older than age 55 is AMD, which robs one’s central sight, leaving them unable to live independently. I imagine you’d like to avoid this? Great! Dr. Eyewise has prescribed for you a nutritional supplement to fortify your macular health. To make it convenient for you, we have in stock the exact balanced and compounded formula. You’ll take X a day, and we’ll reassess your retinal health in six months. June, does this make sense, or do you have any questions for me?”
Patient reply
“Can I get the supplement at Sam’s Club?”
Staff response
“That’s a great question, June! We used to send patients off to what we’ve come to call the ‘aisles of confusion,’ and patients would call us and say, ‘Which one should I get? There are dozens!’ Or, they would show up for their annual appointment with a useless or even dangerous product. To avoid this confusion and safety issue, we decided to stock the correct supplement here in the office.”
Checkout staff
“Oh, good, June, Dr. Eyewise prescribed ________, and he’s also going to see you again in six months so he can evaluate your macula retinal eye health. Most patients prefer to take the six-month supply home with them so they have each dose on hand until they see him again. The three-month supply is $XXX, but the six-month supply is $XXX, which saves you XX% per month over the three-month supply. I’ll also schedule your return office visit right now, OK?”
Following up
Have a staff member call the patient three days after the initial appointment:
“June, Dr. Eyewise wanted me to call and ask, ‘Do you have any questions about your eye health nutritional dosing?’ It’s important you be consistent, so your retinal health improves when we see you at your next appointment in six months, okay?”
If the patient purchases less than the supply needed before returning as scheduled, make a note to send a reminder one week before he or she will run out of it.
Many patients who purchase a supply of less than what will cover them until their medical check or recall date fall off schedule and fail to remember that they must continue taking the prescribed daily supplement.
Also, some patients will forget to come back for more of their supplement and then fall between the cracks and become non-compliant to your prescription. This will increase their risk for AMD development further. OM