IT’S NO SECRET that end of the day discomfort is a leading cause of decreased contact lens wearing times and eventual dropout. This is particularly true for presbyopes, as ocular dryness increases with age. New contact lens technologies, such as Bausch + Lomb’s Biotrue ONEday for Presbyopia, were developed to combat this issue.
The design of Biotrue ONEday for Presbyopia (nesofilicon A) mimics the lipid layer, creating a dehydration barrier, the company says. Specifically, hydrophyllic polymer molecules — polyvinylpyrrolidone — bind to the Surface Active Macromer (SAM), Poloxamer 407, which increases in concentration on the lens surface, forming a permanent component of the lens material. The SAM, proprietary to the Biotrue ONEday family of products, prevents evaporation and water loss from the lens. The outcome: The lens maintains more than 98% of its moisture throughout the day, up to 16 hours.
Further, the lens design meets the eye’s oxygen requirements with a 42 Dk/t @ center for -3.00 lens. The design matches the water content of the cornea at 78% to make wear comfortable. Finally, it features UVA/UVB protection.
In terms of vision, the lens features a next generation, 3 zone (distance, intermediate and near) progressive design to deliver consistent add power across power ranges and provides a wide intermediate zone to optimize vision during digital device use.

Fitting the lens is straightforward. The key to optimizing success rates is following the fit guide. Because the lens has two add powers (low, high), in most cases the fit can be completed in one office visit. One follow-up visit may be necessary to confirm patient satisfaction and make minor adjustments.
In my practice, we have found that the lens appeals to a broad spectrum of the presbyopic population whether the patient is an existing presbyope, who is constantly grabbing for reading glasses, or an emerging presbyope, who is struggling with end-of-the-day blur or fatigue by staring at a digital device.
A number of our presbyopic patients report reduced lens wearing times due to end-of-day discomfort. We have been able to combat this issue by refitting with the new multifocal. We have attempted well over 50 cases with a greater than 90% success rate. We have also heard from patients that their sight was favorable at both distance and near vision, when fit in the lens.
Add value to your contact lens exams by offering new technology to each and every patient. Afford your patients the opportunity to solve problems, such as discomfort from dehydration, by discussing new offerings. This conversation may bring to light issues the patient had not previously disclosed, allowing you to solve them and, therefore, decrease the likelihood of the patient dropping out. You are the expert, share your expertise. OM
![]() | DR. SMILEY is the owner of Vision Professionals, a two location multi-doctor private practice in Columbus, Ohio. He was a 2001 recipient of the American Optometric Foundation Award of Excellence in Patient Contact Lens Care. Dr. Smiley is a clinical assistant professor of Optometry at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. He can be reached for comment at To comment visit |