what’s new
Itch relief
■ Pazeo (olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) 0.7%, from Alcon, a division of Novartis, is an FDA-approved, daily prescription solution treatment for ocular itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. Pazeo 0.7% is dosed one drop daily, and was approved with efficacy data at 24 hours, post dose, according to Alcon.
Phone: (800) 862-5266
Web: www.alcon.com
Lid scrub
■ OCuSOFT Lid Scrub PLUS PLATINUM, from OCuSOFT, is an extra-strength, leave-on eyelid cleaner designed to eradicate seven different strains of bacteria commonly found on the eyelids, including MRSA and Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Phone: (800) 233-5469
Web: www.ocusoft.com
Artificial tears
■ Oasis TEARS PF (preservative free), from Oasis Medical, Inc., are lubricating eye drops formulated to provide patients with dry eye relief. While most preservative-free drops are packaged in one-time-use vials, Tears PF is packaged in a multi-use bottle that prevents contamination through a patented closing tip, valve and air venting system.
Oasis Medical, Inc.
Phone: (800) 528-9786
Web: www.oasismedical.com

Progressive Precision lenses from ZEISS

OCuSOFT’s Lid Scrub PLUS Platinum
Progressive lenses
■ The Progressive Precision family of lenses with Digital Inside technology, from ZEISS, is designed to reduce the symptoms of digital eye strain. The new family includes Precision Pure, Precision Plus, Precision Superb and the upgraded Individual 2.
Phone: (800) 358-8258
Web: www.zeiss.com/vision
OCT device
■ Optovue has released two new configurations of its iScan software-assisted OCT system, iScan Essential and iScan Comprehensive, to simplify OCT technology for eyecare providers.
Phone: (866) 344-8948
Web: www.optovue.com

Shamir Insight’s Autograph III-SV lenses
Freeform lens
■ Shamir Autograph III-SV, from Shamir Insight, is a single vision lens designed to provide patients with a personalized digital prescription.
Shamir Insight
Phone: (877) 514.8330
Web: www.shamirlens.com
product notes
• SynergEyes, Inc., has released 48 practitioner interview videos, providing insights, tips and advice about prescribing Duette contact lenses, available at www.synergeyes.com/professional.
• Accu-Lens Inc. announced the release of its Dual-Aspheric Multifocal option, available in all scleral designs, including the company’s Maxim and Easy Fit lenses. Visit www.acculens.com for additional information.
• Transitions Optical, Inc.’s XTRActive gray lenses are now available in select Varilux S designs. XTRActive brown lenses will include Varilux S, Varilux DRx and Single Vision designs in various materials. For more information, visit www.transitionsPRO.com/XTRActive.