WELCOME TO the third month of “The CEO Checklist,” which is designed to be a monthly reminder of things your management staff may need to do, as well as a place for ideas you might want to incorporate in to your business. Each month will focus on a few general themes, including strategy, finance, human resources, operational workflow, retail items and marketing ■
Review your foreign body protocols 5
Update your contact information on all your lens reps and labs 6
1 Is your practice as organized and profitable as it can be?
2 Does your staff know your daily number is the amount of revenue needed to make the annual budget goal? By tracking this number daily, adjustments can be made to attain the goal. Post this number, and discuss it with staff. Take 5 minutes.
3 Do you have a mission statement? This statement describes the purpose and direction of your business, as well as your core beliefs. If your business doesn’t have one, use a few staff meetings to define one. If you already have one, does everyone in your organization know what it is? Take 60 minutes.
4 The most common ratio to monitor is patient encounters per hour. How efficiently are you moving patients through your practice? No one wants to be there for hours. They value their time, and they value when you value their time as well. Repeat for every month. Take 10 minutes.
5 What diagnostic tests are performed? What is your surgical protocol? Document how much time you think each will take. Review the correct diagnostic and surgical codes, diagnostic protocols and therapeutic or surgical options. Review what you do and what you know about foreign body management. Take 30 minutes.
6 Review your current lab bill and contract pricing. Set up a meeting with your lab representative to discuss current pricing and alternative pricing scenarios. Take 60 minutes.
7 Does each staff member know exactly what they are required to do daily, weekly, monthly or annually? Do you have a list that defines these tasks? If not, have each staff member write what they do at the specified frequencies. These job descriptions serve as a great reference if a staff member is absent or terminated. Take 60 minutes.
8 Conduct a training class on the necessary components of a complete medical history and phone triage questions. Take 30 minutes.
9 Schedule monthly sessions for each staff member to clean his or her designated area. Take 30 minutes.
10 Take inventory of each staff member’s business cards, update all critical information and order replacement cards. Also, take inventory of the business’ stationary, and order the necessary amount. OM