Marketing 1
Check out 2
KPI: Accounts payable (recurring) 3
Estimated income tax 4
Blunt trauma 5
401K/IRA staff enrollment 6
Quarterly payroll report 7
Schedule a CPR class 8
Check all smoke detectors and extinguishers 9
Optical merchandising 10
Website review 11
1 What is your marketing plan? Where you are spending and are those methods effective? Its time to review how you market to your current customers (internal marketing), such as your patient communication systems, direct mail, office merchandising and the physical atmosphere of the office. Also, take time to review how the business attracts new business (external marketing). What is your social media plan? Where do you advertise? How is the business involved in the community? Develop a game plan for the rest of this year, and start thinking about next year. Take 60 minutes.
2 The check-out process should be a friendly and efficient transaction. It may involve scheduling, collections, etc., all in less than 5 minutes. Have a review session with your staff on what should be done, what should be said and the time frame in which both should occur. Is there a away to make the process more efficient and more effective? Take 30 minutes.
3 Review all recurring electronic accounts payable fees. Do you still need these services? Have the rates changed? Take 15 minutes.
4 If you pay estimated business or personal taxes, they are due. Make timely payments. If you are unsure, it may be time to call your accountant. Take 5 minutes.
5 Review protocols for blunt ocular trauma. What questions do you need to ask? What do you need to document? What diagnostic tests are performed? Also review the correct diagnostic codes. Take 30 minutes.
6 Start preparing for open enrollment for next year. Schedule a call with the agency handling your retirement funds. Should you and your staff reallocate that money? Schedule a time for the advisor to come and explain the options to the staff. Take 60 minutes.
7 Time to file it. Take 10 minutes.
8 CPR can be fun (and important) staff training. Though you hope to never need it, you might be glad you held such training. Take 30 minutes.
9 Do they work? Check the batteries and test the units for functionality. Same goes for the fire extinguishers. Take 5 minutes.
10 Take a walk into your optical. Do you like what you see? Does it encourage you to buy something? Are the POP, or point of purchase, materials up to date with frame lines? Does it educate consumers about what and why they are buying? Spend 5 minutes brainstorming with your opticians and sales reps as to how to increase the effectiveness of your optical merchandising. (Check OM’s “Merchandising” column for examples.)
11 Go to your website. Is all the information current? Does it need a face lift? Now, check out three of your competitors. Do theirs look better than yours? Google your business. Do you show up in the first three links? If not, you need to make some changes to your website so your SEO is higher and new customers can find you. Take 30 minutes. OM