THE OPTICAL is a double-edged sword: It is the area of our businesses that generates the most income, yet also the most headaches. How can you decrease the latter and capitalize on the former? These three posts can help.
One “ODs on Facebook” member posted that a patient recently requested the model number of a frame she was interested in, so she could “shop around,” and the practice agreed. The patient returned a few days later, saying she couldn’t find the frame anywhere else and, therefore, would buy the it from the practice.
Turns out the frame was discontinued, which is why she couldn’t find it elsewhere. The poster said the circumstance got him thinking: “What if a portion of the optical was closeouts on purpose for price shoppers? These models are still good, but nobody will have them, including the Internet, and we pay half the price? The savings would outweigh any “‘warranty’ issues.”
This post received 10 likes and 22 comments. An example of a comment:
- “I find that closeouts are often online. I think you had a fairly unique circumstance.”
- Another comment recommended carrying “your own private label” consisting of industry brands that won’t be found online or at any of the big box retailers. “It’s not as tough as you might think. But if you’re carrying frames that [name withheld] manufactures and sells through big box retailers [names withheld], then you’re setting yourself up for price shopping, and you’ll most likely lose every time. . .
Another member of “ODs on Facebook” posted that a patient recently asked for a refund on frames due to buyer’s remorse. The doctor wrote that she provided the refund, but has since created an eyewear policy that prevents further such refunds. The doctor also wrote that four months later, the aforementioned patient called to request her insurance claim for the glasses be reversed. The poster asked, “What to do?”
This post received one like and 40 comments. Examples of comments:
- “Can I have a copy of your policy that people sign, I want to make some changes for 2017...”
- “It hugely depends on the ‘why’ she wants a refund... but in general I disagree with a zero-refund policy.”
One member of “ODs on Facebook” requested frame presentation ideas. The post received three likes and 15 comments. Examples of comments:
- “We use jewelry trays. Basically, just a wooden, velvet-lined tray. After they’re dispensed and adjusted, we put cloths and cleaners in a small bag with our embossed logo.”
- “We have half a dozen of these leather dispensing trays. After adjustment, a cleaning cloth with our info goes into the case as well.” OM