Four ways to become a transformational leader

This monthly column is a special collaboration between the Optical Women’s Association (OWA) and Optometric Management. The focus: enhancing opportunities and education for women in optometry. Learn more: .
Leadership is an action, not simply a role in a company. And, women — as mothers, friends, eye care professionals and business owners — can empower others and be compassionate, collaborative and fearless.
In my soon-to-be-published book, Progress: Finding Your Best Potential Self Now, I give a detailed approach on curating a personal development plan to become the leader that you want to be. Here, I outline four strategies for becoming a transformational leader.
Transformational leaders influence and elevate through motivation and inspiration, therefore they understand their own success is based on the team’s success. So, the focus is on the individual’s personal development.
To do so, these leaders understand that different personalities in the workplace are an asset. They know how to communicate and to motivate each member to get results.
KEY TIP: Foster excellent communication by connecting with people at a level that attracts their attention or influences them. As the leader, your job is to make sure everyone is clear about their responsibilities and how to perform them to reach your common goal.
Skilled leaders lead by example, a style that creates trust, respect and engagement within their teams. They are not afraid to admit they are wrong or a project was difficult. They know learning from failure is what ultimately creates success.
KEY TIP: Take time for self-reflection. When you self-reflect, you gauge and take account of your reactions and feelings at the moment. Assess whether these actions and reactions are what you want reflected in your team.
Engage team members at a personal level. When team members feel appreciated and part of a bigger cause, they will work harder than before and feel empowered to better your business.
KEY TIP: Create an awareness of the feelings of people within your life. Learn to help those in need in your friend circle, in your family, in your neighborhood and, through practice, in your office.
Through the continued development of talented, strong women into talented, strong leaders, we, as women, can succeed. We can promote ourselves and our personal brand and accomplishments, and we can show others how to do so as well.
KEY TIP: Take risks, like pushing yourself to learn a new skill. This will empower you to establish new limits in your mind. It can also cause you to become more creative. When you put yourself out on a limb, with a no-excuses approach, you problem-solve to achieve your goals and are open to new ideas.
Women in 2018 are very lucky to have so many more career opportunities than previous generations. And, we must continue the cycle. (This is where the organizations, like OWA, serve a great purpose in the professional development of their members.) Whether you are a leader of an organization or small business, remember someone is watching. For me, it’s my daughters. For you, it may be your staff or an optometry student. If we don’t show them the way, who will? OM