COMPILED HERE are selected tips from this, Optometric Management’s April issue. Follow each tip to its full article.
- To identify lid wiper epitheliopathy as the cause of contact lens-induced inflammation: Following instillation of sodium fluorescein and lissamine green dyes, use the slit lamp to examine the upper and lower eyelid margins for staining with sodium fluorescein and lissamine green dyes. Manage Contact Lens-Related Inflammation, p.18
- Corticosteroid tapering in the management of anterior uveitis should be slow and methodical, typically decreasing the dose to every two hours for up to two weeks; followed by four times a day for two weeks; twice a day for two weeks; and once a day for two weeks, with careful observation and a keen eye for a flare-up. After noting an ideal response, inform the patient that adherence to the prescribed treatment is the reason for this outcome, increasing the likelihood the patient will continue to comply. Finally, consider adding an “alert” note to the acute anterior uveitis patient’s chart, should he call the office on, say, Friday at 4:45, with what could be a recurrence, so staff will not put him off. Approaches for Anterior Uveitis, p.23
- Careful attention to case history and the patient’s systemic disease(s) are critical to determining proper treatment. For example, many patients with ocular rosacea lack the typical facial skin characteristics in the early stages of anterior blepharitis and MGD, but the telangiectasia and erythema of the lid margins are usually present. Cornea, p.36
- If the patient reports “itch,” typically a tell-tale sign of allergy, optometrists must still ask, “where does it itch?” as itch can be a symptom of DED as well. Dry Eye, p.40
- A new patient (one whom hasn’t been seen at your office for three years or more) presents for a comprehensive eye health evaluation. During the course of your visit, he complains of periodic itchy eyes after being around a friend’s cat or dog. Determine whether to write him a prescription for an allergy medication to use as needed or to ask the patient to return to the office when the problem occurs for a problem-focused visit and prescription. Coding, p.48

Ensure your employees know the answers to frequently asked questions. Because these questions are indeed “frequent,” they can become white noise to a staff member who might not take the extra picosecond needed to ensure they’re answered with 100% accuracy. (Business, p.46)