Until teleporting becomes a reality, I’m satisfied with my smartphone
Portrayals of technological advancements have always intrigued me. When watching TV shows such as “Star Trek” or the “The Jetsons” as a child, I would always get caught up in the gadgets. It wasn’t hard to convince my six-year-old self that teleporting and wise-cracking robotic housekeepers were the future.
I still enjoy depictions of future technologies, but I’m equally impressed by the present. For example, applications on a smartphone can yield scores of benefits not possible just a few years ago. The idea of getting substantial results from practical applications of today’s technology is the theme of this, Optometric Management’s “Annual Clinical Technology Issue.” A few of the issue highlights follow.
Mark E. Schaeffer, O.D., discusses ways that diagnostic technology can make the office more efficient through managing patient flow in “The Dance of Patient Flow” (p.16). A well-equipped office can meet the growing needs of patients, and the smart use of this technology can prevent a schedule from being derailed.
OM provides listings of the latest fundus imaging systems from each manufacturer in “A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words” (p.24). Included in the listings are images from each system.
In “EHR Practice Efficiencies” (p.32), Brian D. O’Donnell, O.D., presents five uses of EHR that benefit both patients and the practice: access, e-prescribing, patient recall, patient surveys and billing.
Kristin S. O’Brien, O.D., offers her perspective on the diagnostic devices new graduates should consider (“New O.D.,” p.62) and in “Business Strategies” (p.64), Gary Gerber, O.D., suggests a role-playing exercise to get your entire staff thinking about advances in technology.
Also in this issue, in recognition of National Recovery Month, Melanie Weiss, O.D., discusses her journey from opioid abuse to recovery with Senior Editor Jen Kirby. In “Conquering Opioid Addiction” (p.38), Dr. Weiss recounts how she became addicted and its impact on all corners of her life. She also relates the inspirational acts of family, friends and colleagues who supported her through her most trying times. OM