These resources can help boost your online presence

Instagram Corner
This tip is not specific to Instagram, but can certainly be used with Instagram: scheduling tools. Different web-based tools can be utilized so that you’re not posting to social media on the spot, unless you want to, and so you’re not going into each individual platform to schedule out posts (for example, Facebook has its own scheduling tool).
Buffer, Sprout Social, Hootsuite and other software like it provide platforms where a social media manager or practice administrator can schedule posts that will be posted to social media at the designated time. You may set a schedule for each social media, differentiate your calls to action and things like hashtags, and, when necessary, tag relevant parties, such as your employees, your partners, etc.
Take a look at the different platforms and see which may serve your needs. Most offer a free trial period or a free version with limitations on the platforms you may post to or number of posts. Enjoy!

National Health Education Week
The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), along with the American Optometric Association, celebrate National Health Education Week the third full week of October, 19 to 23. The occasion is used to focus “on increasing national awareness on major public health issues and promoting a better understanding of the role of health education.” SOPHE provides some resources on its website at .
In eye care specifically, this may look like education on dry eye disease, myopia management, diabetic eye disease, to name a few. Based on your business plan, select an area of your practice that you’re looking to grow and focus on that area in your social media efforts this week.
Download graphics today to use for myopia, dry eye disease and low vision. To craft your own graphic or message, choose an education point (what is the disease or prevalence, for example) about the specialty or area of practice, let your followers know you can help and provide a call to action (likely, “schedule your appointment today”).

Use Twitter Hashtags to Connect with Patients Online
Oct. 4
→ Who doesn’t love a good taco? Although National Taco Day falls on a Sunday, take the opportunity to treat your staff to lunch the previous Friday, take pictures and video and schedule it for the Sunday for a win-win.
Oct. 16
→ Possible options for one this include:
- Celebrate the leadership team within your office with a post on Twitter.
- Celebrate all of the “bosses” in your office who might not have a leadership title, but who nonetheless get things done within your office.
Oct. 31
→ Need we say more?

All corresponding images are available to download and use for free.