These resources can help boost your online presence

Instagram Corner
Instagram allows you to put content out in two different ways: stories and posts. Posts are what we have been discussing in previous columns, the typical square image with a caption and hashtags. A story is a vertical rectangular post that is shared with your followers for 24 hours. You access and add to your own story by selecting or holding, respectively, on your profile picture. Advantages to stories include that they are short lived, and therefore, create a sense of urgency; they do not populate the grid, and thus can be less coordinated and curated; and you can post many stories within the 24-hour period.
Times when a story post may be a good choice: When you’re set to post many pictures, for example if you are about to do an optical trunk show and want to give a sneak peak of what’s available, or when you’re out of the office and/or attending an event and would like to provide multiple posts of information to your audience.
Stories can also be interactive. You can pose questions and garner responses or post a poll and collect data over that period of time. Business profiles also provide a wealth of data collected from stories.
Give it a try this month and let us know how you do!
Healthy Aging Month
The American Optometric Association celebrates September as Healthy Aging Month on its observance calendar in 2020. According to , it is “an annual observance month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.”
As optometrists and primary eye care providers, presbyopia is a significant aspect of aging patients may be grappling with in your office. As such, include information within your social media that educate on this natural aging process. For example:

- Go on Facebook Live and provide a description of presbyopia, emphasizing that it is a natural part of the aging process, some of the signs indicative of its onset and that you’re available to help. Remember to include contact information in the description to make it easy for the patients to schedule their appointments. - Use informational graphics like the one pictured here, to increase awareness.
- Consider asking your employees to choose their favorite frames from the optical and go live with a frame fashion show to aid in combatting any stigma about eyewear and aging. Be sure to include information about the frames in the description of the live event and, perhaps, include a link to your e-commerce site.

Use Twitter Hashtags to Connect with Patients 0nline

Sept. 8 #LiteracyDay
→ Include messaging like, “As you celebrate International Literacy Day, be sure to give a little gratitude to the eyes, through which a majority of us consume reading material.”
Sept. 12 #NationalVideoGamesDay
→ No day like #NationalVideoGamesDay to promote your services for digital eye strain and e-sports athletes. (For more on both of these see p.30 and , respectively.)
All corresponding images are available to download and use for free.