Amy Gallant-Sullivan, co-creator of the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS), says she always suspected there was a correlation between makeup and dry eye disease (DED).
“In reading that dry eye disease is more common in women and in knowing how eye makeup is applied, I knew that there had to be a correlation,” she asserts.
She was right. Studies show that higher levels of tear film contamination and ocular discomfort are linked with inner lash line eyeliner application, and that eye makeup can increase lipid viscosity, which, in turn, can hurt tear film stability.
“I started researching the ingredients in eye makeup, and I discovered that the products on the market aren’t necessarily eye friendly — some contain BAK, for example — so I decided to create an eye-friendly makeup line,” Ms. Gallant-Sullivan says.
After more than 15 years of market research, interviewing and collaborating with laboratories in Canada, Italy and the U.S. and testing products on willing friends and family, novel formulations were born and so was the name, Èyes Are the Story (eyesarethestory.com ).
“The mission of Èyes Are the Story is eye health and its preservation,” Ms. Gallant-Sullivan explains. “I want people to have products that make them feel beautiful, but don’t hurt their eyes. Also, this is a wellness beauty brand, so the products are sold through eyecare providers and dermatologists only vs. typical retail channels.”
The nascent cosmetic company offers a mascara trio set, eyeliner, a facial serum, a facial cleanser, eyelid towelettes and gift boxes.
Leslie O’Dell, O.D., a close friend of Ms. Gallant-Sullivan, has tried the cosmetics and is a member of the company’s medical advisory board, along with Bridgitte Shen Lee, O.D., John Gelles, O.D., and Chris Starr, M.D. Dr. O’Dell says the feedback has been “really exciting.”
“Several of the optometrists who have tried the products themselves have reached out to say that they can now wear their mascara all day without being aware of it,” she explains. “People have loyalty to their makeup, so the fact that some have converted to the brand has been awesome to hear.” OM