Below are several practical tips taken from the articles that appear in this issue of Optometric Management. For your convenience, each tip includes the article headline and page number.
Below are several practical tips taken from the articles that appear in this issue of Optometric Management. For your convenience, each tip includes the article headline and page number.
Overcome Communication Challenges
If the stroke patient is unable to speak, try creative thinking. For example, invite the patient to signal with their hand or finger when they see a letter on the Snellen chart. In such cases, O.D.s should remember to look at and speak with the patient (as well as the caregiver, if in attendance). – Pamela Joyce Miller, O.D., F.A.A.O., JD, FNAP, “The Stroke Patient and You,” p.28.
Assign Health Homework
Give patients “homework” related to managing/overcoming their current general health and related ocular issues. For example, assign a home eye spa (e.g., lid hygiene, warm compresses, etc.). – Elise Brisco, O.D., “Put Wellness Into Your Practice,” p. 34.
Consider Other IOP-Lowering Therapies
Oral medications, laser therapy and surgical interventions, such as selective laser trabeculoplasty, which is gaining momentum as a firstline therapy, are worth discussing with contact lens-wearing patients. These options may allow for continued wear, while also addressing ocular hypertension and glaucoma. – Jason E. Compton, O.D., F.A.A.O. “Treating Glaucoma in Contact Lens Patients,” p.38.
Let the Optic Nerve Guide You
To aid in early diagnosis and disease progression, look at the optic nerve at every visit, and put the IOP and any associated treatment in the context of the optic nerve. A better awareness of the IOP applications and an altered approach to the common IOP limitations will be beneficial. – Austin Lifferth, O.D., F.A.A.O., “A Glaucoma Practice Innovation,” p.45.
Optometric Management
Optometric Management
Optometric Management
Optometric Management