I’ve always made a concerted effort to stay up-to-date on the latest advances in technology and clinical care — things that will improve patients’ vision and enhance their quality of life. But I’ve also always tried to pair that with a lesson I learned during my 4th year externship.
In his charts, one of my preceptors would in-clude a personal note about the patient — something he learned in conversation that would jog his memory. And since the be-ginning of my career, I’ve done the same. I’ll ask patients about their hobbies or if they have plans coming up — something unique about them that helps me make a personal connection beyond just the typical doctor-patient relationship.
In today’s environment, patients have lots of options when they’re seeking eye care services. Making those personal connections enhances my enjoyment of practicing, but it also engenders some loyalty with the patients — asking those questions shows the patient that I care.
Many times, patients are surprised that I remember that they took a vacation or what their favorite sports team is, so I know it makes my practice stand out a little more — not every provider takes the time to make those connections. It really does make an impact on the patient and on the practice. OM
Dr. Wroten is a partner at the Bond-Wroten Eye Clinics in southeast Louisiana, where he began practice after graduating from Southern College of Optometry and completing a Residency in Hospital-Based Primary Eyecare at the Memphis Veterans Affairs Medical Center.