These four steps can benefit contact lens patients and your practice
Although contact lenses are not typically part of the optical dispensary, they remain an integral part of the refractive products we provide our patients and, therefore, de-serve attention. From a patient care standpoint, contact lenses enhance vision clarity, and provide freedom from frames. From a business standpoint, contact lenses are profitable, and provide additional revenue streams.
This column outlines four simple steps to maximize contact lens revenue.

While it might seem surprising, many patients are often not aware they are a candidate for contact lenses. Some think their astigmatism or progressive spectacle prescription disqualifies them, while others assume contact lenses are for the “young.”
Train staff to ask patients during appointment scheduling and in-office, whether there is interest in contact lenses. Staff can start conversations about hobbies, daily activities, and explain how contact lenses might enhance those activities, even if contact lenses are not the primary modality of vision correction.
In the exam room, optometrists can ask every patient whether they are interested in contact lenses even if they did not present to the office with that inquiry. Simply asking the question starts a discussion, and many patients are excited to learn more.
Contact lens fees should be evaluated annually. The fee should be competitive for the location of the practice, and reflect the time and expertise exhibited by the staff and doctor.
Many practices are currently under-charging for the time and experience provided. Do not be afraid to be paid appropriately for the work and expertise utilized. Furthermore, do not be afraid to raise those prices as the market continues to change. The same dollar amount of a contact lens fee from five years ago often is not a suitable amount for present day.
When an annual supply is sold, everyone wins: The patient will likely have better compliance with their lenses, and practices secure the sale.
To improve annual supply capture rate, consider changing your hand-off verbiage: “This patient is approved for an annual supply” signifies they can order an entire years’ worth of lenses.
ODs can also provide a visual breakdown of rebates for patients to see the cost savings.
Practices can further incentivize the patient by pairing an annual supply of contact lenses with free shipping or a discount toward sunglasses or accessories in the optical.
Soft and specialty contact lenses for anterior segment pathology, anisometropia, and high prescriptions often qualify as medically necessary. While the requirements will vary among insurance plans, learning how to code and bill these lenses properly helps give your patients the care they need, while maximizing your contact lens profitability. To learn about properly coding contact lenses, seek related CE, webinars, etc. on billing and coding. OM