In recent years, it’s been difficult to hold a business conversation that doesn’t address some aspect of staffing. This trend will likely continue: One of the key challenges facing organizations in 2023 is “an exhausted workforce,” according to the article “9 Future of Work Trends for 2023” by executive consulting organization Gartner Inc. (see ).
In this, the “Staffing Issue” of Optometric Management, we present solutions to a develop a practice team that is energized, loyal, and highly valued.
Staffing solutions succeed when they bring value to both the practice and the team. In “OD to OD,” Chief Optometric Editor April Jasper, OD, FAAO, lists five key areas that help create value for the staff. To develop these areas, staff must be included in the conversation: “To love my team, I must talk to them, listen to them, and let them know I care,” writes Dr. Jasper.
Efforts to value staff can be derailed if conflict is not properly addressed. To make the resolution process manageable, Dr. Jennifer Jabaley presents a five-step protocol to keep the peace in “Resolve Conflicts Among Staff." Employing the proper measures “can create a staff that feels heard, valued, and respected,” according to Dr. Jabaley.
Why do team members resign? Often, it can be traced back to the practice culture, writes Dr. Ted McElroy in “Retain Staff by Improving Practice Culture." Dr. McElroy discusses several investments in the staff that can create a framework for building an amazing team.
Unfortunately, employee theft is a fact of life for many businesses. In “Prevent Embezzlement” (p.28), Dr. Harvey Hanlen identifies the common signs of embezzlement and, even more important, steps optometrists can take to prevent it.
For practices looking to build team members’ skills, Dr. Susan Resnick discusses the four “D’s” of a top-notch contact lens technician, and Dr. Jessilin Quint identifies three areas of focus for improving optician training.
The investment in staffing solutions can appear steep, but the dividends — a practice that operates smoothly and effectively while creating superb experiences for staff, patients, and doctors alike — are priceless. OM