Golf tournaments, networking, innovative educational presentations, and Las Vegas entertainment were all a part of Vision Expo West, held Sept. 27 to 30 at The Venetian Expo in Las Vegas. More than 400 companies exhibited at the show, and attendees participated in panels, live events, and more than 150 new education courses.
Show highlights
Highlights of this year’s show, which was co-hosted by The Vision Council and RX, include:
- Swing FORE Sight, a golfing event supporting Prevent Blindness, was held Sept. 27 at the Bali Hai Golf Club.
- The OptiCon general session on Sept. 28 featured Rebecca Alexander, an author, psychotherapist, and speaker who shared her experience encouraging others while she battles the loss of her vision and hearing due to Usher syndrome (type 3).
- The evening of Sept. 28 featured a musical performance by The Eye Docs of Rock, held at the Brooklyn Bowl at the Linq in Las Vegas.
- The launch of the EYEnovate event, a series of 15-minute talks which allowed manufacturers to showcase their latest designs in automation, artificial intelligence, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, VR/AR, and other emerging technologies. EYEnovate was held at the expo’s Innovation Stage on Sept. 28 and 29.
- The Career Zone, held Sept. 30 at the Innovation Stage, served as a hub where students and young professionals could connect with companies, network, and explore career resources.
More information on the events of Vision Expo West 2023 can be found at The Vision Council’s website, at .

Dates for Vision Expo West 2024
The 2024 show is scheduled for Sept. 18 to 21 and will be returning to The Venetian Expo. More information can be found at . OM