A total of 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the start of February, reports Forbes. As we are on the cusp of that month, your colleagues provide their 2022 resolutions to keep you motivated. You got this!
Next Generation Marketing
“We [my practice partners and I] have declared 2022 ‘the year of next generation marketing.’ There are two facets to our plan. Both involve our ‘next generation’ younger partner and associate taking the external marketing reins,” explains Susan Resnick, OD, FAAO, Optometric Management’s (OM) “Contact Lens” columnist. “First, they will be cultivating an expanded network of younger interprofessional referral sources, the lifeblood of our referral-based specialty contact lens practice. And second, they will be focusing on growing our pediatric practice, with the goal of further developing our myopia management services.”
Smart Scheduling
For OM’s “New OD” columnist, Kristin S. O’Brien, OD, her focus is on smart scheduling.
“This means asking additional questions while on the phone with patients to proactively schedule them as efficiently as possible,” she explains.
Preventing Iatrogenic Dry Eye
“For 2022, I am planning to focus more on the ocular surface among my glaucoma patients and proactively try to prevent iatrogenic dry eyes,” offers Austin Lifferth, OD, FAAO, OM’s “Glaucoma” columnist. “From baseline glaucoma evaluations that include a simple dry eye questionnaire, to a meta dry eye evaluation at each follow-up visit, to selecting treatment options that are more sustainable, such as selective laser trabeculoplasty, and/or drugs that contain less preservatives, I plan to be more mindful of this increasing and underappreciated clinical comorbidity.”
He adds that with increased awareness and treatment of ocular surface disease among glaucoma patients, they will have decreased surface inflammation, decreased associated side effects, less unplanned office visits, increased drop adherence, increased quality of life and improved IOP control.
Developing a Dry Eye Center of Excellence
Cecelia Koetting, OD, FAAO, OM’s “Dry Eye” columnist, says she aims to organize and develop a Dry Eye Center of Excellence, utilizing all the tools she’s been writing about.
“Right before the year’s end, my husband and I uprooted and moved across the country to a smaller practice working with a young ophthalmologist in his three clinics,” she says. “Helping to build something and watch it grow is very exciting and gives a whole new appreciation for my chosen profession,” she explains.
Focusing on the Patient Experience
“For 2022, our practice is focused on the patient experience,” says Jessilin Quint, OD, FAAO, and OM’s “Optical” columnist. “Customer service for many industries has diminished over the last few years, which has created a great opportunity for our practice to stand out.”
She says that she believes being consistent, following through, and providing high- quality care are foundational pieces to this resolution that have tremendous impact.
“We are focusing on every ‘touch point’ in the office to ensure our patients have the best experience, service, and care,” she explains. For us, customer service is not dead. It will be a way for us to shine in 2022!” OM