Visualize the Power of Imagery
Take advantage of today's technology with this digital imaging system.

Greg Ossip. O.D.
While some things are harder to explain to our patients today, the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" is really true when we're on the fast track, trying to convince our patients that their diabetes or hypertension is out of control and threatening their vision.
Many times you might see a patient who's abusing her contact lenses and has vessel encroachment threatening the health of her cornea. Again, wouldn't it be great to show her what you're seeing through your slit lamp?
Well, now we have a great instrument for digitally capturing retinal images and corneal anterior segment images to help you educate, document and treat your patients. It's new technology from Helioasis -- the Digivid 2000. I'll explain what it does.
The Digivid 2000 helps you efficiently screen patients. |
A glance at the new technology
You can perform Helioasis digital retinal photography on all of your patients -- even those 3 and 4 years old. The quality of the images is superb and you can get a 45-degree view of a patient's retina even before you examine him.
The Helioasis Digivid 2000 is easy to use. The technician seats the patient and quickly lines up his eye in the video monitor and captures the images. Patients are fascinated by the technology, and most have never seen the inside of their eyes. The Helioasis Digivid 2000 takes incredibly clear retinal photographs.
Once you've taken the photos, the Helioasis system will display the images in all of your exam rooms to use as a tool to educate patients and their families. You can also print the photos on your printer to use as PR tools for patients to show their co-workers or classmates.
Reasons why you should try
Not only is Helioasis a great educational tool for your patients, but the referrals from family doctors and the wow factor are incredible. Imagine sending electronic retinal and corneal images to your patient's family doctor or diabetes specialist. You can also electronically consult with your retina or corneal sub-specialist while the patient is still in your exam room.
If your practice uses this technology over a period of years, you can compare the new images with older photos from the Digivid to quickly and accurately determine whether changes have occurred.
Don't let cost scare you
The big question, of course, is how do you justify the cost of going digital. The bottom line is that digital imaging is the most inexpensive form of photo documentation available today. You can store digitized images virtually cost free, and data space is so inexpensive these days. If you're still using older Polaroid film cameras, you'll recoup your investment quickly with the Digivid 2000 and enjoy higher- quality images at the same time. It might be one of the best investments that you can make in your practice.
Don't miss out
The Helioasis Digivid 2000 can simplify the way you practice by allowing you to screen patients efficiently and conveniently. Plus, your staff and patients will enjoy its ease of use. Try it out for yourself and see what Helioasis has to offer your practice.